Right to Information


The 1992 Constitution provides for freedom of information as captured under Article 21(1)(f) which prescribes that; All persons shall have the right to information, subject to such qualifications and laws as are necessary in a democratic society.

The RTI Act 989 creates a process for providing information to people. The RTI Act places a duty on officers to provide information to people both proactively and upon request. The Act promotes transparency and accountability by empowering people to access information on central and local governments as well as non-governmental organizations, which are publicly funded.

The Community Water and Sanitation Agency believes that access to information gives you the right by law to access facts and data concerning the exercise of any public authority, as well as on the use of any public funds.



  1. Standard Application Form
  2. 2023 CWSA Information Manual


Why CWSA matters

– Improve water services delivery
– Improve water-related sanitation
– Hygiene promotion

2023 Water Coverage

Hygiene Promotion

CWSA has made significant contributions to the improvement of WASH in schools and health care facilities in Ghana


CWSA has over the years improved access to decent sanitation facilities across the country with the construction of 87, 763 latrines